The German Research Foundation (DFG) has approved funding of the new research unit “FOR 5427: Bacterial Renal InfeCtion And Defense (BARICADE)”
The application "BActerial Renal Infection And DEfense (BARICADE)" deals with bacterial virulence factors, host characteristics, in particular the tissue-specific microenvironment and the innate immune response, as well as aspects of anti-bacterial therapy during bacterial infections of the kidney. The consortium, which consists of researchers from Giessen University, the University Duisburg-Essen, the University of Münster and the University of Bonn, aims to unravel the complex interrelationships of immune cells, host cells, pathogens, and anti-infective therapies of bacterial infections of the kidneys.
The spokesperson of the research unit is Prof. Florian Wagenlehner from the Justus Liebig University Giessen.
From our institute, Dr. Selina Jorch will investigate the “Role of myeloid immune cells in healing and recurrence of pyelonephritis” and Prof. Christian Kurts with his group will investigate the “Effect of a high fat diet on pyelonephritis”.